The art of effective feedback

What I learned

How to give more empowering feedback and why?

Let us cover why? It helps growth and success. Feedback is helpful response. It results in future action. Empowering feedback. More control to receiver. This makes person feel control.

Positive and constructive feedback is Unconditional praise. “You did a good job.” – does not help. Tell the person what led to their good performance.

Avoid destructive criticism. Start with “I have often observed.” This will help person stay focused on what needs to be done.

Avoid attribution error.

How to give empowering feedback? Tell a person about their observable behavior or instance.

Quarter feedback is good than giving immediate feedback. Give feedback on regular space interval than irregular.

It should be outcome based.

SBI model. [Situation, Behaviour, Impact]
Describe situation.

Example. When presentation went well. Manager shared. Balanced sharing idea. Clearly understood.

When the presentation didnt go well. Start with. “When you presented. Listeners were not happy.” Stay away from advicing. Let feedback sink in. Wait for the person to respond and what it things. Then talk about it. Situation as seen by you. Plan next course of action.

Behaviour seen.


Schedule appointment.

Discuss development areas.

While share feedback on portal.

Make comprehensive comment. Justify ratings. Follow SBI method.


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