16-17th Feb, 2023 – Preetam Oswal thoughts

A Thursday….that turned into Friday.

Do I have anything memorable today so that I remember it for rest of my life?

Started to write this blog yesterday, but couldn’t write. Let me talk about one of my problems. It is my EQ problem.

EQ is emotional quotient. It is important to have control over emotions to build relations, reduce stress and live happy life.

For years, I believe I had trouble controlling my emotions. Most of my 2022 year went into analyzing and understanding about my EQ.

I have had troubles in life because I could not control my emotions.

Four issues I faced about my emotions:

  1. Happy emotion – I would go over the top when happy. Imagine a big wave and someone sitting on top of the wave. There is always a threat to crash down.
  2. Sad emotion – I would be sad and beat myself mentally for things I did not get.
  3. Angry – I become angry when I don’t get the expected answer from the other person.
  4. Envy – I become envy of my friends or family member who would achieve something great that I wanted to achieve in life

It is important to accept my downsides. My issues. In July 2022, I did following:

  1. Speak less – controlling the tongue was one way to control self. I tried to ensure that whatever I am feeling, I absorbed it.
  2. Start categorizing my thoughts into positive and negative.
  3. Start categorizing people around me into positive and negative.
  4. Once categorized, try to block negative thoughts and negative people.
  5. Promote positive thoughts and people.
  6. Sometimes you cannot block people. Solution: I started pointing out positive side to things where people talked negative. This helped into sharing positive vibes.

Suddenly life became better and the lows were not that lows anymore. It became smaller lows. I continue to apply these above mentioned solutions and results are slowly turning into my favour. Relationships are growing. Friends are enjoying my company. Family is appreciating the change.

Today happens to be my Mom’s bday. Dedicating this blog to her.

To be continued…


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