12th Feb, 2023 – Preetam Oswal thoughts

Exploring myself

Few more things about me:

  1. I am a creative person
  2. I like to find meaning in everything
  3. I am an introvert

Considering above three points about me, a creative person generally tries to find meaning to everything and most importantly tries to find meaning of life.

This leads to “gloominess” as most probably it leads to being too sensitive to things. Creative person + being introvert is a lethal combination = Lost in own thoughts.

To explain simply, a creative person experiencing bigger highs and bigger lows of emotion. Imagine a big tide moving inside. Highs and lows are common to most of the people, but the wave is smaller in size. When the wave is big, then it becomes a problem. Because it means high on emotion, high on experience, high on happiness and yes – high on sadness. Everything is multiplied (maybe 10x).

Being silent is one way to deal with things. The other ways are to keep yourself busy and staying on the positive side.

I have said a lot of times, writing comes naturally to me. It means, most probably I like my own company. The thought process is different.

Let me share the thought process I always have in my mind: How can I be a better person? What is the meaning of life? How can I live life beyond myself?

As much as I think, I never have an answer to any of my question or if I do (in some smaller context or incidence), I fail to take action.

The good thing is, the more the thought about being good, living a life beyond myself and finding meaning to life: it acts as a spring (at least I believe). Which means, today it is being pressured down, one day it will bounce back. Then I believe, I would be able to take action and do things which my heart says.

To be continued…


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