Best people | My Hakuna Matata Community, My Most important moments

I always focused on too many things, too many people and too many places. In the first 28-30 years of my life, I did things things the wrong way. When I got married, I shared some life space with another person – my wife “Ruchita”. She is complete opposite of me. She would focus on small things, ‘Chhota’ milestones and would be keen to know all about how her inner circle of friends. BTW, there is no existing outer circle of people for her.

Focusing on one thing makes you special. We all feel special when someone calls you as their best friend. If you get a privilege access to someones’ life.

I started working on Hakuna Matata to know more about myself, more about my family, how to live life peacefully and celebrate each moment. Our mind is complicated place to be in. I realized that you need to treat your mind in such a way that it feels special. Keeping yourself happy is a technique and skill one needs to acquire.

I wrote and wrote till I could figure out why I am unhappy or frustrated. Coming back to the point, I had many friends and at the end I focused on so many that I had none whom I could rely on. Furthermore, I also focused on online friends more who were geographically far away. A ‘time’ comes in each of our lives when we need someone to help us and that person can only be within that 1-5 kms radius. Beyond which, it is not possible for the person to reach on time for saving. So I had friends online but the reality was, they could not travel and reach to me within 10-15 mins. Spending time online meant, I didn’t spend time offline to meet old friends, make new ones and get the real life background.

Most important people in your life should come first. Thats what I learned while doing product analysis. Surfacing most important information can lead to better engagement. Thats the second most important learning for me. Combine both together, and magic is created.

Hakuna Matata is all about that. A life with meaning, a life with celebration, a life with your set of people. You know yourself well enough, you treat yourself premium that no one else could treat you below that standard.

I am building a small community and the plan is celebrate each moment with them. They are the people whom I could rely on, trust and share my life with. It is called “Hakuna Matata Community”. The next step is, create those memories, magical moments which can be remembered for lifetime. It is an unfinished story and I would write and rewrite it for a perfect journey.

Come be part of this community and if you are far away then start your own Hakuna Matata community.

Introducing people who are part of “My Hakuna Matata Community”


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